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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pain in your Life...

Your life will always have pain.  The great thing is that you always have the ability to change your life for the better, away from the pain.  Doing this will take specific actions that will bring about the change you desire, but first, you must find the motivation within yourself.
Moving away from pain and moving toward pleasure are two things that come naturally when your ultimate goal is to create your own powerful, personal motivation. 
If something is painful, you will be inclined to move away from it. There are painful consequences of not taking action, of not making the changes you know you must make.
If something is pleasurable, you will naturally and without hesitation move toward it. Strive to make your changes so complete, meaningful and full of pleasure that you cannot help but always choose to take the actions necessary to bring them about.
When you give yourself a reason to change, you will find the way to make those changes. When you know why, within the depth of your being, you will figure out how, and you’ll find yourself enthusiastically doing whatever must be done.
Your life will always have pain.  But you can decide to make a positive change in your life, right here and right now. Decide to move away from the pain and toward the pleasure of whatever you sincerely seek.

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