Only you can stop you. Though your responsibilities and obligations are very real and pressing, they do not have to stop you. When you are willing to accept responsibility for something, you put yourself in control of it.
Your frustrations may be deep and numerous, but they do not have to stop you. As you choose to start working your way through those frustrations, you are building valuable achievements. So don't be frustrated.
Even when profound sadness comes down upon you, it does not have to stop you. The sadness is only because you care so much, and you know without a doubt how beautiful life can be. So don't be sad.
You may find darkness all around you, but it does not have to stop you. Darkness only makes your own light more brightly visible. So don't stay in the dark.
Your problems and distractions may seem to have no end, but they do not have to stop you. As you find yourself moving through them you will be moving toward your dream. So don't be distracted.
Your life may be difficult, it does not have to stop you. Choose to live moment by moment by moment, joyfully making the most of each and every one. Only you can stop you.
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