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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Adding Value

Nobody can add value to your life like you.  True value is created not by avoiding the challenges but by working through the challenges. Personal fulfillment comes not from doing what is easy but from doing what is right.
The one person who can most effectively solve a majority of your problems is you. The one  person who is best positioned to create meaningful value in your life is you.
Every real opportunity that you are given to achieve always comes with a responsibility to make a difference. The richness that is yours is the richness you can express through your thoughts, efforts, commitments and priorities.
There is no person, possession or circumstance that can give you happiness. Yet you will find that you can experience as much happiness and fulfillment as you wish, just by the way you choose to live.
Decide right here and right now to stop wishing that someone or something will make life easier for you. Chose to start working right here and right now to more fully express and fulfill the value that you know is yours to create.
Nobody can add value to your life like you.  Your life is not perfect.  Choose to use the problems, challenges and difficulties for your advantage. Choose to take responsibility for living through them, as the richness continues to grow adding true value to your life.  

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