Do you know that what you possess speaks volumes about who you are? Do you own your possessions, or do they own you? Your possessions are much more than just the financial and material things to which you hold the title. You also possess things such as pride, knowledge, habits, assumptions, and opinions. All these possessions can be useful servants, but they are poor masters. It depends on how you use them in your life. It depends on how you prioritize them in your life.
Think about pride. You take pride in your work, your appearance, and your performance. It compels you to do your best. But when pride is the driving reason behind what you do, it changes from a positive to a negative influence. Money is the same way. It is extremely useful when used for service or honor purposes, but when money becomes the ultimate objective it can be very destructive. It is not money that is the root of all evil, it is the love of money.
You have a wealth of possessions. Everything from the change in your pocket to the opinions in your head. If you let them control you, they can become disastrous and cause havoc in your life. So I challenge you to keep them in perspective. They are your tools, not your purpose.
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