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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Your Intentions...

Imagine for a moment what would happen if you could do away with all those negative, self-defeating intentions. Imagine the spectacular results of giving free reign to your positive, creative, productive intentions.
Intention can be a powerful force. For it is with intention that thoughts are transformed into results, that goals are achieved, that dreams are brought to reality.
The intentions you are following are the ones you really, truly have adopted and empowered with your commitment. What matters are not the intentions you merely talk about, but the ones you actually bring to life with your actions.
Every genuine intention leads to a result. Every intention puts you solidly on the path toward whatever you intend. The trouble is that your intentions so often are contradictory, and end up working against each other. For doubt and fear are intentions just as surely as are confidence and desire.
In fact, you are completely free to choose your own intentions, and the ones you choose will determine the results you get. So choose those intentions that truly move you forward, and leave all the rest behind.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Make a Good Impression..

The key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. People form their impressions not on how you appear, but on how well you treat them.
People will remember what you do much more vividly than they remember what you say. If you seek credibility, seek to establish that credibility with your actions and not just your words.
Relationships are not built on mere pronouncements. Valuable relationships grow from shared experiences, reliability, consistency and truthfulness.  The way to be believed next time, is to do what you say you’ll do this time. The way to gain trust is to earn it by being always trustworthy in matters large and small.
Remember, the key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. 
I challenge you to be valuable, be useful and be original. Be truly interested and willing to make a difference.
The way to consistently look good is to be good, and honest and helpful. Love life and all who live it, put that love into action, and you’ll always make a great impression.

Friday, August 14, 2015

No Negativity...

Limitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment. What a shame it would be if any little bit of useless negativity were to block that abundance from your awareness.  Negativity is a waste of your precious time. You deserve much better, so give the very best of life to yourself.
When you catch the slightest bit of negativity creeping into your thoughts, I challenge you to visualize yourself taking hold of it and then simply letting it drop to the ground. Feel the spark of energy that comes from your newly gained freedom, and step positively forward.
Worries are worthless, so don’t bother with them. Resentment over a difficult situation actually makes that situation worse, so remind yourself there’s no point in it.
Remember, limitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment. What a shame it would be if any little bit of useless negativity were to block that abundance from your awareness.
Joy and fulfillment are your destiny, so let them flow freely from you. Rise above the pettiness that often threatens to draw you in, and give your focus to the good things that truly matter.
From this day forward, give your precious time the respect and appreciation it so richly deserves. Fill it with beautiful, meaningful, positive purpose.

Friday, August 7, 2015


If you could choose the life you live, how would it be? If you could choose your surroundings, what would they look like?
If you could choose the people with whom you associate, who would they be? If you could choose your activities, what would you be doing?
If you could choose your thoughts, what would you think? If you could choose your feelings, how would you feel?
If you could choose your priorities, what would they be? If you could choose to commit your time, your energy and your skills to something, what would it be?
If you could choose how to spend the next moment, what would you do with it? What would you do if you knew that all your choices, in each moment, in each circumstance, would mold and shape the life you live?
The good news is, you can choose, now and in every moment to come, and those choices add up to the life you live. So remember each time to choose the best.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Priceless Possibility...

Don’t be afraid or ashamed of what you truly desire. That desire is a window into the valuable and unique purpose that is at the heart of you.
Possibility can be a frightening thing because it is so vast. There are so many choices available to you, it’s difficult work figuring out which ones to follow.
One of the most important things you will ever do is to understand exactly what you wish to do. It may seem intimidating, and yet it can be easy when you simply let yourself be you.
Remember don’t be afraid or ashamed of what you truly desire. That desire is a window into the valuable and unique purpose that is at the heart of you.
A mere machine is able to follow instructions, and can do so very well. Your job is to follow your heart, and that’s a much more important job.
You are a living expression of truth. There are gifts you have to give that cannot ever come from anywhere else.
Feel those urges that come from the heart of you, and give them life. Create the priceless beauty that is yours alone, right now, to create.