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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


How many things have you done in the past that you now wish you had not done? How many things have you failed to do that you now wish you had done?  We are all guilty of regret at one time or another no matter how hard we try to avoid it.  
Regret is quite painful yet powerful at the same time.  Regret is like experience, a great teacher.  With each regret we are given the opportunity to learn, to adjust and to improve.  It is with these regrets that we can make changes in every aspect of our lives to make tomorrow even better.
When you are faced with regret, let yourself feel it for a moment, but only for a moment. In that moment you create negative energy, but don't think you are going to harbor it.  Instantly begin to think of how you can turn it into something positive.
Refuse to wallow in painful regret.  Challenge yourself to learn from your mistakes and do something about them. Your past is your past.  There is nothing you can do to change it, yet you can indeed change the value you get from what you’ve done in the past.  The value is in the lessons learned.  The value is in the changes made to ensure you never experience that again.  The value is in the goals and plans than stem from something you regret.  
Remember don't regret your past for long.  Instead focus on the regrets of your past as roadmaps to your future. Whatever your regrets may be, move beyond them.  You are now ready to step confidently ahead, more wiser and more experienced and with more solid, tireless determination than ever before.  One day you will look back and think......it all started with a regret.

Monday, July 29, 2013


There are as many things in our life that we cannot change as there are that we can.  The most important is your attitude.   Aren't you glad that your attitude is not something you’re stuck with forever?  In fact,  you can change it whenever you wish.
Here is some good news...you can choose your attitude.  
Your attitude does not define you. It does, however, represent who you are to the world.
Your attitude does not determine who you are. It does, however, determine what you can accomplish.
Your attitude is not the result of events that happen to you or circumstances that surround you. It is, instead, based on the way you choose to respond to the events and circumstances in your life.
That's right, you can choose your attitude.  Your attitude should be one that will open your eyes to the valuable possibilities. Your attitude should attract success and accomplishment to you like a magnet.  It is all possible.  All you have to do is choose the attitude.
Don't choose to be bitter, evil, resentful, or even sad, full of pity or non-chalant.  
No matter what has happened in the past or where you are now, you are free to choose whatever attitude you wish. So choose, in this very moment, a positive, empowering attitude.  Choose to stay that way every day.  Choose an attitude that not only represents you right now, but also who you desire to be.
Remember, the most important thing you choose every morning is your attitude.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


It is true that you cannot please everybody all the time.  No matter what you undertake, create, or accomplish there will be someone that will find a reason to criticize it. But don't let that stop you or delay you from your goals and dreams.  I encourage you to go ahead and do it anyway.
Don't spend your time worrying about pleasing everyone, instead focus on doing what you know is right, what you know is best and best of all what you know you've been called to do.  Everybody won't understand.  Everybody cannot be involved in what God has for you. You have to learn to listen to the criticism, but only if it helps you to improve what you’re doing.  It is important that you don’t let it bring you down.
There’s no reason to allow another person’s weaknesses and doubts to infect or affect you. Their negative perspective is just that...their problem, not yours. Don't completely ignore their view, just consider their viewpoint for what it can teach you. Many times there will be things that you can incorporate into what you are doing.  But only consider what pertains directly to you.  Often we get caught up in stuff that does not pertain to us and we lose focus or make extra work for ourselves. 
When anyone expresses an opinion about what you’re doing, be genuinely thankful for the helpful suggestion. Just remember that you know who you are, you know what you’re doing, you know what is right and nothing anyone says can change that. So make your choices based on the highest values within yourself, and there will be no reason to fear what others think.  Keep doing what you are doing because you can't please everybody all the time.


Friday, July 26, 2013


In life, our best teacher is often the consequences rom our life lessons. These lessons make an impact by touching us profoundly and staying with us for life.
Just think of all of the abstract concepts we encounter on a daily basis that are quickly forgotten.  However, the consequences we experience daily are unforgettable.  They become embedded in us.  
It is through these consequences that we learn what works for us and what doesn’t. It is through these consequences that we learn what’s important to us and why.  These consequences can bring either joy or pain, but they are memorable to us just the same. We not only remember the consequences, but the specific thoughts and actions that brought us to them as well.
You do know that you have the magnificent ability to make things happen, that it is up to you to create your own consequences. Take the time to study and learn from the experience of your consequences.  The more you learn the more you will be able to create the precise outcomes you desire.
Remember that everything you do has a consequence, and every consequence has a lesson. So what will you learn today?

Monday, July 22, 2013

What Are You Capable of...

Do you know that your capabilities are endless.  There are so many wonderful things that you do not even know about buried deep down inside of you. You have to make the conscious choice to start discovering some of them.
What is stopping you?  Better yet, who?  Take a look into the nearest mirror.  You are missing  out on so much.   Outside the walls of your imagined limitations, there is a whole world waiting to be experienced. Why not allow yourself to venture into it.  
It all comes down to what you are focused upon.  If you stop being so consumed with what you can’t do.  The time is now to refocus.  Try to consume yourself with all the things you can do. There are so many opportunities and possibilities to explore, but only when you stop worrying about your shortcomings and disappointments.
So I challenge you today to let go of the small, limiting thoughts that revolve only around your ego. Start today, right now to make room for the big, expansive thoughts that enable you to experience life’s magnificent abundance.
There is so very much more you can do, so very much more you can be, so very much more you can give. But only after you choose to open yourself to the wealth of possibilities that are available to you.
So today step outside the walls of your old assumptions. Today you take life to a whole new level.  Today you begin your journey into the endless capabilities that are deep within.  Today you choose to win!!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Are You a Winner...

Do you have what it takes to be a winner?  Before you answer that you have to know what it takes to be a winner.  Let me help you.  A real winner is someone who can accept defeat graciously. A real winner does not plan to lose or aim to lose, and yet if they lose, a real winner does not waste time on anger, complaints or blame.
So are you a real winner?  Can you find value and learning in everything, even in defeat?  Can you apply that to your life as you go on to win a victory which outshines all the setbacks you experience along the way. You know what sets a real winner apart?   It is the actions taken when things don’t go as planned, when everything seems against you.  It is when things seem to be spiraling out of control, yet you are able to maintain a positive, winning attitude, even in the midst of defeat.
Remember, even cowards can look strong when things are going in their favor.  When the sea of life is calm, everyone can be all smiles, happy and appear as a winner.  However, when the waves of life start to roar, and circumstances start to change for the worst, true winners maintain their demeanor.  They show their strength regardless of the circumstances.  It is in these moments that those who are willing to accept defeat when it comes in spite of their best efforts, are the ones who ultimately can claim true victory.  That is what makes you a winner.  So I ask you again, do you have what it takes to be a winner?  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

You Got It...

What are you working with?  Does it really matter?  The truth is that what you have to work with is not nearly as important as what you choose to do with it. How many people do you know that have become successful, even spectacularly successful, but they started with nothing?  All they had was desire and commitment.  How many do you know that even though they started out with every advantage in their favor, they ended up accomplishing very little?
How often have you heard that the race is not won at the starting line?  It may seem helpful to be at an advantage going in, but in the end does that matter?  The most emphasis should be in what got you through the race.  You have to realize you were equipped to win.  God has placed in you everything you need to persist through any situation, to tackle any obstacle, to conquer and succeed.  What matters is the going through.
If you wait for the perfect situation, or the perfect job, or the perfect business opportunity to come along, you’ll be waiting an awfully long time.  The funny thing is that most of the time it turns out to not be worth waiting for. So rather than hold out for the perfect situation, why not work with what you have right here and right now. So let the others wait for what they’ll probably never have, meanwhile you can be moving ahead using what you already have available to you to win.
Your best resources are the ones that you can effectively utilize in pursuit of your goals and dreams. Guess what, those are the ones that you already have. Even though what you have may not be ideal, what you have is precisely what you need to move forward toward success.  So I encourage you today to make use of what you have, and you will move toward whatever you desire.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


Whatever you worry about, you give it life, energy and influence over you and your world. Just think..the more you worry and focus on the things that you do not want, the more likely they are are to happen and the more possible you make it.
Think how awesome your life would be if every thought of worry were replaced with a positive, creative thought or action. Instead of giving power to your worst fears, you gave life to your best possibilities.
Now there are plenty of things about which you can be justifiably worried. But there is nothing to be gained by spending time and energy on worry.
Do you have any idea just how powerful and influential your thoughts can be, whether they are negative or positive. The more positively they are focused, the more surely will your thoughts lead you forward.
Choose to redirect the intensely negative energy of your worries into positive, productive actions. Don't worry about what you don’t want, put your time and energy into creating what you do want. There is much that you can worry about, there is also much that you can achieve. The determining factor is where you put the energy of your thoughts and actions.........and it is up to you.