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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Are you frustrated because you’re not as effective as you’d like to be? You can begin to change that right now, and put an end to your frustration by making small improvements.
Small improvements are easy to make, and they can make a big difference. The key is to keep making them, to continue improving on the improvements. Never think that small improvements don't matter, because they do. They can add up to big changes. If you add just one percent to your efforts each day, day after day, in only seventy days your effectiveness will double.
Choose to begin to change that right now, and put an end to your frustration.
Accept that you can’t instantly get all the way to maximum effectiveness. Yet you can very realistically make one small, easy improvement after another.  Don’t worry about how you will get a whole lot better. Just find a way, right now, to get a little bit better.
I challenge you to strive to make a small, easily accessible improvement, and then make another, and another. Soon, you’ll be much further ahead than you ever could have imagined.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life is Unpredictable...

Life is not always predictable. Something unexpected will happen today, tomorrow, and every other day.  You can worry about what it might be, and fight against it when it comes, or you can accept it and deal with it in a positive way when it comes.
You cannot escape from life’s uncertainty.  It is something you really wouldn’t want to do. Uncertainty can bring pain, but it can also bring great joy and powerful new positive possibilities.  The choice is yours.  You can choose to grow stronger with each twist and turn. You can choose to learn, adapt, create, innovate and successfully adjust to life as it changes from day to day.
Uncertainty can sometimes be very disruptive, inconvenient and challenging. The good thing is you have the skills to meet those challenges.  You are skilled to move your life forward no matter what may come.
Though you can’t know for sure what will happen in the future, you can know for sure that there’s always a way to make the best of it. There’s always a way to remain true to your most treasured values, and to live your life according to your highest vision.
Remember, life is not always predictable, but that’s no reason to fret. In that unpredictability, you’ll always find valuable and meaningful new positive opportunities.  Opportunities that can turn life's uncertainty into joyful moments on this life's journey.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Be Your Own Person...

Doing the right thing means doing what you know is right. Of what real value is a life lived any other way?  You are your own person. Act like it! Learn from others. Give to others. Emulate those whom you admire and respect. But be your own person. 
Too often, in an effort to better relate to them, we allow other people to define us. Too often, we buy homes, cars and clothes based on what other people think. Too often, we decide what is funny, what is sad and what is acceptable based on what other people think.
You are your own person, so be your own person. The things other people say and think about you are not your reality. You determine your reality. You have every right and ability to decide for yourself who you are.
It’s great to be held in high regard by others.  However, there is no need to compromise your values or the integrity of your own being in order to accommodate someone else’s opinion. Remember, doing the right thing doesn’t mean doing what popular opinion suggests. Doing the right thing means doing what you know is right. So choose to do the right thing and be your own person.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Your Accomplishments...

Accomplishment comes to those who precisely define what accomplishment means, in each and every detail. What does accomplishment mean to you?
The wealthiest person in the world got that way utilizing exactly the same number of hours in each day that are available to everyone else. Success depends not so much on what you have to work with, but on what you do with it.
At its heart, achievement does not require more time, energy, money or resources than you already have. It is simply a matter of clearly focusing and directing what’s already available to you.
Success depends not so much on what you have to work with, but on what you do with it.
Be clear, specific and precise about what you want to achieve. Fill in all the details, then fill in some more.
If you’re too vague about where you’re going, you can’t possibly get there. Yet when you’re completely clear about what you want, that will help to focus every aspect of your life in the direction of your goal.  
Remember that success depends not so much on what you have to work with, but on what you do with it and accomplishment comes to those who precisely define what accomplishment means.   Strive with clarity and precision, towards your accomplishments and you’re well on your way. Stay clear, stay focused, and you’ll surely have what it takes.

Monday, January 26, 2015

You've Got the Power...

You have no idea just how much power you have over you. When you understand how much you’ve held yourself back, you can also see how truly powerful you are. 
You’ve made plenty of mistakes. Take the time to positively apply the lessons you’ve learned from those mistakes. You’ve made lots of excuses, and found that those excuses have not brought any value to your life. Now you’re in a position to leave the excuses behind and to take the actions that create real value. 
You’ve fantasized about getting something for nothing for too long. I want you to realize that your own fulfillment must come from your own efforts.
If you think about it, it’s easy to see that most of the limitations that have held you back have been self-imposed. With this realization comes genuine freedom from those limitations.
Remember, when you understand how much you’ve held yourself back, you can also see how truly powerful you are. Now is your opportunity to direct that power toward a meaningful, positive purpose.  
Each day, each moment, you create your own unique experience of life. Stop wasting moments and get busy creating something truly magnificent in your life.  You've got the power.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Setbacks can be Positive...

Setbacks are a normal part of life.  It is almost guaranteed , that you will encounter a setback.  But when you’ve had a setback, ask yourself this. What is it attempting to tell you?
Did you ever stop to think that setbacks can be very fortunate occurrences. How?  Because they prevent you from going any further down a dead-end road.
Setbacks force you to re-evaluate your strategy. And that will invariably lead you to a much more successful strategy.
The next time you have a setback, challenge yourself to find the positive message in it. Challenge yourself to find a more effective way to move forward from it.
Use it as an opportunity to step back and get some perspective. Use it as an opportunity to renew your commitment and realign with your purpose.
Strive to see each setback as one more step on the path to achievement. Then get back on that path, for success is closer than ever before.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Choose Your Thoughts...

Your thoughts are your thoughts.  You are in total control of them.  Only you can determine what you decide to do with all that you have. And only you can determine what your thoughts will be.
As you move through this day, make it a point to replace troubled thoughts with thoughts of peace. Choose to replace thoughts of weakness with thoughts of strength.  Choose to replace thoughts of limitation with thoughts of possibility. Choose to replace thoughts of anger with thoughts of compassion.
When you decide to let go of any thoughts of frustration and helplessness, you allow your mind to make room for thoughts of creativity and empowerment.
Make it a point to gather your variously scattered thoughts together, and point them all in a positive, productive direction. There is power that becomes yours when each thought is working to enhance the others.
Remember, your thoughts determine what you decide to do with all that you have.  Most importantly, it is you who determines your thoughts. 
So choose your thoughts wisely.  Put them to work in a positive way.  You will find that moment by moment, day by day all your thoughts will serve you well.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


You Have to Work for it...

Each moment of every day is an opportunity to act. The more of these opportunities you make use of, the more quickly and richly your dreams will become a reality.
It doesn’t matter what you say you want or what you wish for in life. What matters is what you choose to work for in life.  The difference between what you want, and what you have, is what you do. The bridge that spans from desire to fulfillment is action.
What matters is how you use your time to accomplish what you want.  Your time is irreplaceable and priceless.  Choose to use it to your advantage.  Each day is filled with valuable time, so choose your actions wisely.
To have an exceptional, fulfilled life, you have to work for it. Choose to work for it now, from where you are, with what you have.
You deserve more than just empty wishes.  Choose to get busy and give yourself the best of what you deserve. Choose to work for it, and delight in the outstanding experience of bringing your most treasured dreams to life. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Nourishing Thoughts....

Your mind is an enormously powerful tool over which you have control. There is no limit to what you can think, and no limit to how far those thoughts can carry you in life.  Your life is constantly nourished by your thoughts. The direction your life is moving is a direct affect of your thoughts. 
Consider any possibility, and by your thoughts about it you have given that possibility a presence in your life. As you dwell on that possibility, its presence grows stronger and more vivid within you. 
When you think on life’s goodness, you fill your own life with a unique expression of that goodness. By focusing your awareness on the positive possibilities, you gain real access to them. 
Remember there is no limit to what you can think, and no limit to how far those thoughts can carry you. You set the direction of your life with the thoughts you most consistently and persistently think. Choose to fill your mind with thoughts of goodness and positive possibility, and allow those thoughts to guide your every action. 
Choose to give your life the highest quality nourishment and the most positive energy you can imagine. Choose to let your positive, loving thoughts set the stage for a truly rich and fulfilling life.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Be Committed....

Everybody should be committed to something.  So ask yourself, are you committed to just getting by, to just getting through the day with as little effort as possible? Or are you committed to something greater, something magnificent and exciting and fulfilling?
Commitment to your most profound vision is not easy, and will ask much of you. Yet you know it is the best choice. Whatever you decide to be truly committed to, is exactly what you’ll achieve. Whatever you’re truly committed to, will determine the kind of life that you lead.
Within you is a vision that longs to be brought to life. It’s a vision that deserves your full commitment.  Choose today to birth that vision.  Commit to it.  Remember, it will not be easy and will require much of you, but it will be worth it.
Make that choice, make that commitment to the best that’s within you each moment of each day. You will see that the life you create, the life you start to live, will be nothing short of outstanding.  It all starts with you choosing to commit.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Choose Love...

Today is a new day.  You will get out of it what you put in it.  I encourage you to make it love filled.  In what you do today, whatever it is, do it with love. Choose to make each moment precious by appreciating the value that is surely there.
Choose to show your love by giving your best attitude and expectations to those around you. Choose to brighten every place you go.
Each day is filled with outstanding possibilities. In every situation great value awaits.
Choose to celebrate the good fortune of being alive and aware and able to make a difference. Go forward carrying the assumption that life is filled with goodness, and events will prove that assumption to be true.
Choose to live with love and genuine appreciation for all that is around you. Choose to give your own unique meaning to the abundance in which you’re immersed.  Everything is a choice, so choose love.  
With love, you will see the true, magnificent value of what you have this day. With love, you can make it even greater.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Start Dealing...

We all have problems.  Ignoring them will not make them go away.  Letting them pile up serves no purpose.  It is time to stop putting things off and start dealing.  You are limiting yourself because problems are for your advantage.  We grow and learn when we encounter problems. The more you learn from your problems, the more effective you become at dealing with them. The more you learn from a problem, the less likely it is to trouble you again.
When you first encounter a difficult problem, it can be easy to feel sorry for yourself. Yet pity, whether from yourself or others, is not what will help the situation.  What will help is a positive, informed response. What will help is effective action.  What will help is choosing to deal with the problem.  
It's okay to initially feel bad about the problem. But then you must make the choice to deal with the problem.  You can then transform that intensely bad feeling into powerful positive energy.
Remember, problems are for your good.  They can get your attention and motivate you, so let them. They can teach you, so learn everything you can. 
Choose to be positively motivated, to learn, and to respond with action to your problems. Be fully determined to deal with your problems and move forward.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Create your Plan...

As you welcomed in a new year, you decided all the things you were going to do different this year.  You created your plan for 2015.  But I ask that before you make a plan, make a connection. Connect your plan with a purpose that is genuinely yours.
In order to reach whatever you plan, you must plan to reach something that has real and captivating meaning for you. In order to make your plan succeed, you must define the success of that plan in a way that resonates with who you are.
Doing something just because everyone else thinks it’s a good idea, won’t give you much drive, determination or commitment. It has to be personal.  It is an important key to your success to know precisely what success means to you.
You have what it takes to reach whatever goal you truly desire. The only way to reach your full potential is to make sure you are fully engaged in the endeavor.
Choose today to align your intentions with your convictions.  Then you’ll be able to put the full power of those convictions into your efforts. When you choose to follow a purpose that is your very own, you’ll always be able to find an effective way forward.
I challenge you to give your intentions and your efforts an extreme advantage. Let them flow from the power of your purpose.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Embrace Today...

2015 is here.  New year, new you.  You are in the process of becoming. You are in the process of growing.  No matter what your age or what you’ve already been through, you are still going through a process.  At the end of this day, you will not be quite the same person you were when you woke up. You will have learned new things, lived through new experiences, known some new accomplishments and even had some disappointments.  
Each day is your opportunity to mold yourself and to direct your life. Today is no different.  The person you are tomorrow will depend on how you live each moment of today. It’s a serious responsibility and a great opportunity.  Choose to take full advantage of it.
The moments of this day may seem quite ordinary as you go through them. Yet every day is important, every moment is special and vital. They are your opportunities to live, to love, to grow, to learn, to accomplish, to become, to fulfill.
Choose to embrace today for what it is.  Rather than just looking at this day as another one to endure, see in it the wondrous amount of living with which it can be filled. Give today your best, and its golden treasures will be yours for the rest of the year.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Top of Your Mountain...

We are a few days into 2015.  Look around.  You stand today at the top of a mountain, the mountain of 2014.  It is the mountain of your own experiences.  This past year, you have forged ahead on its craggy pathways. Each day you’ve added valuable experience to your life and have climbed to an even higher perspective than the day before.
Along the way, you found moments of peace and beauty in the green valleys and still forests. At other times, you were challenged by the fierce storms and rocky ground as you made your way forward.  But you made it.
This is the moment that all the other moments have been leading up to. Today you stand at the summit on your mountain of experience.  Look around, the view is more expansive than it has ever been.
Never has your experience been as extensive or as valuable as it is right now. So what will you do with it all?  Use it to propel you through 2015.  
Now that you’ve climbed to the highest peak ever, choose to live a full and positive life.  Make this year worthy of all you’ve already been through. Now that you’ve climbed so high, this is your moment to go even higher in 2015.  Nobody can stop you but you.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Don't be Overwhelmed...

As you look at your goals for 2015, do you have so much to do that is seems overwhelming? Don't think about how much there is to be done.  I encourage you to just start getting it done.
Feeling overwhelmed is merely a chosen state of mind. You can just as easily choose to let it go and you chose to feel that way.
Today is a new day, of a new month, of a new year.  It dawns and it can make you feel like time is quickly slipping away. In fact, time comes to you just as quickly as it moves past.
That means that each moment you get is an opportunity to make a difference. Each moment you get is your chance to make full and meaningful use of that moment.
Moment by moment, little by little, small tasks build into great accomplishments, and accomplishments build into a life with real fulfillment.  That is how you will get stuff done and reach your goals.
You don’t have to tackle everything all at once. Just do what you can, when you can, filling each moment with positive purpose and action.  You will find that what once seemed overwhelming will quickly become a source of real and lasting fulfillment as you make your way through 2015.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year

2014 is behind you.  2015 is here.  Stop and reflect back on all you’ve learned and experienced on your journey to this day. Now imagine what you can do with it all.
You've been blessed with a grand opportunity, filled with promise and possibilities. Choose the very best of those possibilities, and know that you have the power to bring them to life.
You will spend this year moving in one direction or another. Commit now to make that direction the one that will take you toward what you sincerely desire.
Life in each moment is influenced by your presence and participation. As this year unfolds, continue to make that influence a positive and fulfilling one.
Consider today where you would like to be a year from now. For now is the beginning of the year in which you can truly make it happen.  Happy New Year!!