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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Good Use

Value that is hoarded, hidden away, forgotten, loses its value. Value that is put to use, gives birth to new value.  Just like your muscles quickly weaken if they are not exercised, so do your hopes, your dreams, your values, intentions, possibilities.
You are blessed with knowledge, abilities, resources, connections, experience and unique purpose. I encourage you to continue to put all that to good use, or the strength and resources you have will soon begin to wither.
Gratitude enables new abundance to stream into your life. The highest, most powerful form of gratitude is making good use of what you have.  Choose to make good use, and your strengths grow stronger, your resources gain value. Choose to make good use, and you can even transform shortcomings into advantages.
Choose to make good use of the good things in life and you’ll make them even better.

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