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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Postive Mindset

Positive action

Positive action is only a single, momentary choice away from a negative mindset. Make that choice and suddenly you are free of the negativity.
When you are feeling cynical, dismayed, angry, frustrated, decide to abruptly interrupt that pattern. Point your considerable amount of energy in a positive direction.
Whatever may have already happened, there is nothing at all that says you have to continue on a destructive trajectory. You have every reason in the world to turn it all around with positive action.
Imagine how great that transformation will feel. Know that it is absolutely within your power to make it, immediately.
When you’ve sunk into the deepest depths, even a tiny positive change can feel like the best thing ever. Make that change, feel its goodness, its rightness, and build on it.
Activate the control you have, utilize the choice you have and transform a negative perspective into positive action, positive power. Take the energy you’ve paid dearly to generate, and turn it all toward something beautiful.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

It's Not About You

When you make everything about you, it limits you and keeps you frozen in place.  
If you feel stuck, you’re probably too focused on yourself. Step back, let go, widen your awareness.
From a self-centered perspective, your problems can seem so massive as to be overwhelming. Expand your perspective, and the problems begin to look more like opportunities.
Surrounding you is a whole universe of possibilities, energy, resources, goodness and beauty. Turn your attention outward and vastly expand your options.
  It drains your energy and creates unnecessary conflict.
Choose instead to mentally step a little bit beyond yourself, beyond your own concerns. Discover how energizing and liberating it can be.
One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is to get past your concerns about yourself. Let go, focus your awareness on all of life, and replace those limited concerns with grand achievements.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Good Use

Value that is hoarded, hidden away, forgotten, loses its value. Value that is put to use, gives birth to new value.  Just like your muscles quickly weaken if they are not exercised, so do your hopes, your dreams, your values, intentions, possibilities.
You are blessed with knowledge, abilities, resources, connections, experience and unique purpose. I encourage you to continue to put all that to good use, or the strength and resources you have will soon begin to wither.
Gratitude enables new abundance to stream into your life. The highest, most powerful form of gratitude is making good use of what you have.  Choose to make good use, and your strengths grow stronger, your resources gain value. Choose to make good use, and you can even transform shortcomings into advantages.
Choose to make good use of the good things in life and you’ll make them even better.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Your Life

Do you want life to work for you? Then you must work for you.
Wishing, hoping, sitting around waiting for good things to arrive in your life, doesn’t work well. What does work well, is when you do the work to bring about the kind of life you desire.
The more responsibility you take for your own life, the more satisfied you’ll be with the way life unfolds. The more you invest your time, effort, imagination, creativity in life, the richer your life will be.
It might sometimes seem that a free ride, no effort, no responsibility, would be nice. But that’s not the case at all.
What truly makes life good is knowing you’re deeply involved in making life good. What brings real fulfillment is when you are working, with commitment and persistence, to create that fulfillment.
Give up any fantasy of a fairy-tale life simply dropping into your lap, for even if it happened you wouldn’t like it. The very best life for you is the life you’ve worked to create for you.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Changes, no matter how small, can make a big difference when applied over time. When you make a small positive change, and decide to stay with it, you will find that time works in your favor. 
Changes, no matter how small, are easy to implement, and just as easy to abandon. So when you make a change, you must also make a commitment.  The size of the commitment should not equal the size of the change that you desire.
Most of the progress you make in life is not made in big, highly consequential leaps. Achievement most often comes from taking one small positive step, then another and another.
There is some small change you can make today that can make your life significantly better a day, a week, a month or a year from now. I challenge you to make it, and most importantly, stick with it.
Stick with it by constantly reminding yourself why. Stick with it by staying focused on your purpose.
You have the ability right now to make a change, no matter how small that will eventually lift your whole world. So choose to make a positive change, stick with it and stay focused, reaping more and more benefits as life unfolds.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Make a Choice

Imagine it is tomorrow and you’re looking back on today. What would you like to see?

Whatever it is, now is your chance to make it happen. You have one opportunity to determine how you’ll live this day, and that opportunity is right here, right now.
Every moment is a choice. When making each choice, consider how it will play out tomorrow, or a week from now, or next year.
The actions you take, and the actions you fail to take, have real and continuing consequences. Today, you can choose what those consequences will be going forward.
The way you live today determines how your life will be when you arrive at tomorrow. Make the choices that will make you thankful for your good sense.
Though this day will be over soon, what you do with its moments will echo far into your future. Realize what a powerful opportunity that is, and make something grand out of it now, while it's here.