Life can be tough on you, but you don’t have to be so tough on yourself. You will have times of discontent and negative situations. The key will be your perspective and your response. If you blame others, it will just make it grow bigger and more burdensome. However, if you choose instead to embrace it all and own it fully, you can make it go away.
There are all sorts of reasons why you’re unhappy with your life. Ultimately those reasons are irrelevant. It is what you’re willing to think, to feel and to do that matters.
When you accept what is yours and yours alone, you can quickly move beyond it. You may not be able to immediately change the outer conditions, but you can instantly change your inner perspective.
It is not about what has happened, but how you choose to respond. You are in control of what weighs you down. Choose to let go of the discontent and the negativity. Choose to free yourself and grab hold of the most positive possibilities.
Life can be tough. Your situations will not all be pleasant. I challenge you to embrace where you are, and to move quickly in the direction of where you want to be.
Life can be tough on you, but you don’t have to be so tough on yourself. Choose to control your responses. Choose to sometimes have a different perspective. Choose to release the discontent, and you will find yourself well on the way to a life you want.
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