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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Life Can Be Tough...

Life can be tough on you, but you don’t have to be so tough on yourself.  You will have times of discontent and negative situations.  The key will be your perspective and your response.  If you blame others, it will just make it grow bigger and more burdensome. However, if you choose instead to embrace it all and own it fully, you can make it go away.
There are all sorts of reasons why you’re unhappy with your life. Ultimately those reasons are irrelevant.  It is what you’re willing to think, to feel and to do that matters.
When you accept what is yours and yours alone, you can quickly move beyond it. You may not be able to immediately change the outer conditions, but you can instantly change your inner perspective.  
It is not about what has happened, but how you choose to respond.  You are in control of what weighs you down.  Choose to let go of the discontent and the negativity.  Choose to free yourself and grab hold of the most positive possibilities.
Life can be tough.  Your situations will not all be pleasant. I challenge you to embrace where you are, and to move quickly in the direction of where you want to be.
Life can be tough on you, but you don’t have to be so tough on yourself. Choose to control your responses.  Choose to sometimes have a different perspective.  Choose to release the discontent, and you will find yourself well on the way to a life you want.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Stay True...

Never compromise who you are or what you do.  Fill every moment with passion and purpose as you go through life.  Refuse to just go through the motions.  Stay true.
Today is your day to live, so choose to make something meaningful and beautiful out of it. I challenge you to get curious, get interested, get involved, get active, and bring your life to life.  
Today is your one chance to live this moment, so make the very most of it. Don't waste your time with things that won't help you add great, rich, meaningful value to your life.  If it works for you and who you are, do it now and do it often.
It's okay to be amazed and enthusiastic about the possibilities that surround you. Choose to be joyful, purposeful and filled with love for all the goodness that you will find around you.
Stay true to you as you choose what to do.  Stay true as you follow through on it all. Dream your best dreams and then bring them to life.  Refuse to compromise on what you want.
This amazing gift of life is yours, so do something truly amazing with it. Choose to live fully and richly now, without compromise and with a passion that is uniquely yours.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Your Lucky Day...

Today is Friday 13th.  Many people look at it as a unlucky day.  But it is all in the approach you take to the day.  Good luck comes to those who create it. Good luck comes to those who take a positive approach to every moment.
The world around you is overflowing with abundance. Those people who are considered lucky are the people who choose to see that abundance, that choose to accept it and choose to make the most of it.
You can always find good fortune in the form of opportunity. If you stay prepared to make use of the opportunity, you’ll be lucky enough to enjoy the good fortune.
You are already extraordinarily lucky because you’re alive, aware, and able to make a difference. Choose to make the best of your possibilities, and your good fortune will surely increase.
I challenge you to see each day as an opportunity to create real and lasting value. Each encounter is your way to make a positive difference in not only your own life, but in the lives of others.
Your luck is what you make it. So approach today with positivity.  Decide to make it the best Friday 13th that it can be.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Today is Your Day...

You keep telling yourself, you’ll truly start to live one day. Why not today?  You keep saying that someday you'll take the very best of your possibilities and make them real.  Choose to start today.  
You keep saying that one day you’ll escape from the meaningless distractions that only waste your moments. One day you’ll focus all your time and energy on what is really important.
One day your longing to move forward will overcome the fears and insecurities that have caused you to hesitate. Let that one day be today.  You’ll realize that you’ve always had the courage and the confidence to fully live, and wonder why you didn’t start sooner.
You have to learn to let go and live today. Then you will look back and you’ll laugh at the petty angers, frustrations, worries and annoyances that kept you from being all you could be for so long. 
Decide today that your life cannot wait any longer. Realize that living with richness and fulfillment is infinitely better than making endless excuses.
There’s no reason to wait any longer. Today is your day to start living.  Take all your best possibilities and make them your reality.  Today is your day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Change Your Perception...

You can always change your perception. You can always choose the way you interpret and respond to whatever happens in your world. So, if you’re having a difficult day, remember it is not the day itself that’s difficult. It is the way you perceive and interpret the events of the day that make it feel so difficult to you.
Remember that you can always change your perception. The choice is yours.  The way you interpret and respond to whatever happens in your world is up to you.
You will find people who make a habit of achieving great things operate within exactly the same objective reality as everyone else. They are just set apart by a more positive, empowering subjective reality that they create with their own perceptions.
Much of what happens in the world is out of your control. However, in your world, all of what you do about whatever happens is your choice.  You get to direct and to perform as you please in your world.
Choose to see yourself as empowered by events, and you will begin to naturally take empowering, effective actions. Strive to focus your subjective reality around the values and goals that are truly meaningful to you, and through that reality you can employ those values to achieve those goals.
You can always change your perception. You can always choose the way you interpret and respond to whatever happens in your world. When you choose to look at life with a positive, purposeful perspective, you are choosing to make reality work for you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life is a Puzzle...

No matter how hard you try, you will never solve all the world’s problems before bedtime. However there is a little something you can do right now in this moment.  
This is the key.  If you do just a little, it will make a difference. Then, if you do just a little bit more, you will realize you are making a huge difference.
Life can seem overwhelming, and yet in each moment it is easily manageable. All you have to do is choose to take one moment at a time, giving love, effort and value to that moment.  By doing this, you will find that you managing your moments and making a difference just before you move confidently on to the next moment.
Life is a puzzle.  Choose to live your life in wonderful little pieces. Savor each one, discovering the unique opportunities for growth and fulfillment.  Strive to stay true to your authentic purpose. Strive to do what you can and don’t worry about the rest.
In each little piece of life, it’s easy to be supremely successful at richly living. Remember that life is a puzzle.  When you put those pieces together, one by one, the result is a beautiful completed puzzle, a beautiful life.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Nothing is Impossible...

We tend to fear and avoid those things we do not understand.  There is nothing impossible or out of your reach. The path to achievement is no exception.  So if anything seems impossible or out of you reach, I challenge you to work on it for a few days. I suggest that you put some genuine, focused effort into it. The more you put into it, the more you’ll realize that it is possible.  The more you'll realize that it can be done.  Most of all, you'll realize that you can do it.
The best strategy to conquer those things we fear and avoid is to dive right in. All you have to do is start.  It just takes faith the size of a mustard seed to get started. No matter how far out of reach your goals and dreams may seem, you have to encourage yourself to start on a path towards achieving them.
The great thing is that once you start to work towards them, not only will you realize it can be done, you’ll know without a doubt it can be done by you. Once you get yourself involved, once you develop a familiarity with the effort, once you submerge yourself in achievement, you will find that you’re well on your way to the accomplishment.
I challenge you to believe in yourself enough to get started. You will find that before long you’ll go beyond belief and acquire an unshakable confidence which will carry you the distance. Get yourself started and you’ll soon discover that you can indeed get yourself there.  There is nothing impossible or out of your reach.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Don't be disappointed...

Imagine what would happen if instead of being upset by your daily disappointments, you choose to be encouraged by them. The wonderful fact is, you can do just that.  There will be times when you can exercise a great deal of control over where your life is going, and other times you get caught up in forces beyond your control. Either way, you can always control the way you think, feel and respond.
It’s a great feeling when you can cause events to go your way. The key is to learn that even when things don’t go as you wish, that feeling can be just as great.
The choice and power is within you.  There is a profound and powerful ability to uncover opportunity in anything that happens within you. Every day, every situation, every twist and turn of life’s road gives you something valuable with which to work.  You just have to make the choice.
Instead of being upset by the disappointments, choose to be encouraged by them.
In this day, in this moment choose to move forward no matter what. It’s a very powerful place to be, and the choice is yours.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Enjoy Yourself...

If you enjoy who you are, it will bring out the best you can be. When you truly enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll create something of true, lasting value.
Take the time to enjoy where you are, and your eyes will be opened to the best of possibilities. Enjoy the moment you’re in, and you’ll discover a priceless treasure.
It is not selfish to enjoy yourself. It is selfish however to insist on being miserable despite all the positive possibilities available to you.
When you strive to enjoy yourself, you will become that much more able to create real value for others. As you start to enjoy yourself, you’ll find yourself doing the things you are most ideally suited to do.
You are blessed with the precious gift of life. Take full advantage of it and enjoy it to the fullest. There are endless possibilities for enjoyment, regardless of your circumstances. Take the time to enjoy who you are, where you are in this moment.  Enjoy it and be wonderfully alive.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fill Your Life...

Whatever fills your life is a choice.  Choose to fill your world with the best that you can give.  When you fill the world around you with beauty, there will be no place left for darkness. When you let your spirit be filled with joy, there will be no room available for anxiety.
When you fill your body with nutritious food, there will be no room for toxic junk. When you fill your heart with love, there will be no place left for hatred.
When you fill your actions with real, meaningful purpose, there will be no room for doubt or insecurity. When you fill your moments with goodness, there will be no place for resentment.
When you fill your relationships with kindness and sincerity, there will be no room left for discord. When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, there will be no space left for dismay. When you fill your days with passion and meaning, there will be no room for regret. The more good, positive, loving, productive and effective things that you allow to fill your life, the less room there will be for all the undesirable things.
So choose today to fill this moment, your life, your world, with the best that you can give.