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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Focus through Distractions...

Distractions are a part of our daily lives.  We should not look at them as necessarily a bad thing.  I challenge you to see your distractions as an excellent test of your commitment. Do you allow distractions too distract you? to get you off course? If so, then you’re probably looking for an excuse to become sidetracked.
Distractions will become what you choose to make of them.  So do you ignore them completely, and risk losing touch with the outside world or do you let them consume and overwhelm you, destroying your focus?  The choice is yours.  What role will you give them in your life?
When distractions come along, and they will, here is my challenge for you.  Strive to observe them, adjust for them, and move past them. Remember to keep in mind where you’re headed. Remember why you chose to go there. Remember the goal.  If the distractions continue to seem overly enticing, maybe you need a more compelling goal.
I challenge you to choose to not let the distractions consume you. Instead, allow them to point you toward what you really desire. If you’re authentically committed, distractions will have no power to distract you.  
So let the distractions come, and they will.  Just be ready to use them to move you forward not backwards.  See them as positive not negative.  See them as they are, just an opportunity to realize how committed and focused you are toward your goals.

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