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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Confidence is YOU...

Confidence is something we all should have.  Not just because of who we are but because of whose we are.  There are different levels of confidence.  The strongest confidence and the one we should strive to have is quiet confidence. It does not boast and is not arrogant. It pays no attention to those who ridicule simply because of their own insecurities. This confidence does what is right, no matter what others may think.  This confidence will do the right thing, even when nobody is looking.
You are confidence and confidence is you.  You are built from substance, you are genuine and not just for show. You are powerful. You don't have to seek the easy way out. This confidence will have you looking for the true and right way through whatever situations or obstacles that life presents you. Confidence makes no grand promises, but it delivers much value.
Being confident is not being overly concerned with appearances. It makes you do what is necessary to get things done. You don’t always see it, nor do you often think about it. Yet confidence works tirelessly behind the scenes for you, bringing you many good and valuable things.
Quiet confidence is real.  It is a persistent confidence that makes a positive difference every day. So today I challenge you to try some for yourself.  You will be surprised to see how much real and lasting value it can add to your world.  You are confidence and confidence is you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What's Holding YOU Back...

What is holding you back?  Is it thoughts?  bad habits?  your past?  No matter what it is, you are free to walk away from it. You can choose to start building yourself up instead of pulling yourself down. You no longer have to be a victim to what's holding you back.
It seems that the negative thoughts, the self-defeating things you have done and do, have become so familiar that you think they’re a part of you. It is all in your mind.  They are just ploys of the enemy to keep you down.  When you decide to change, and declare the negativity is no longer a part of you, you will be surprised at your own strength.  You have the power to leave them behind and pursue who you are meant to be.
You know what helps you, and what hurts you. You know what brings growth and fulfillment, and what is a waste of time. No matter what anybody thinks, you know. I challenge you today to decide at this moment to refuse to be anything less than the best.  I challeneg you to refuse to tolerate the negativity.  I want you to take charge and take a stand.  
Only you know what you need, and what you can do. So take a mental inventory today.  Make a mental checklist of what needs to be done, and what needs to stop. Decide today to make it happen.
Today you decide to take control of each of your moments. You decide to live your possibilities in joy and earnest.  You decide to be free to be the best you that you can be.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Trust is a very valuable thing. Who do you trust? How many people trust you?
If someone makes a promise to you, they might do it and they might not.  People make promises every day without any intention of ever keeping them.  They are only kept if it continues to serve the interest of the person making the promise. A conditional promise is worth only a little bit more than nothing at all.
Trust should mean so much more. It is not created overnight. It does not come out of thin air. Trust is built over years of dependable experience.
I challenge you to become more trustworthy.  Become a person who can be trusted, a person who is dependable, that makes you valuable in any endeavor. 
Being trustworthy and dependable, besides being an honorable way to live, has measurable material advantages in business and in life. When people trust you, doors will open to you, opportunities will come to you.  You will find yourself caught up in a whole different realm because you can be trusted.
So today I remind you to strive to always be trustworthy and dependable.  You will find yourself surrounded by the best people, with the best connections and the best resources.  You will be amazed as the best opportunities, the best jobs, and the best business contracts, seek you out. 
Trust is a valuable thing.  It is well worth it, you are well worth it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mistakes give us Momentum

We all make mistakes.  If you think back to your past, it is full of mistakes.  The saying is true, you must pay the price for your past mistakes. However, that does not mean that you must keep making mistakes. 
When you find ourselves in a bind, you often quickly adopt the attitude of “I’ll never get out of this”.  You start to say it and soon it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  It is true that  what you think you become.  So let's change that thought process.  No matter the situation, you can start to get out of it right now, no matter what has happened in the past. You cannot change the past or its consequences, but you can immediately change the present, and make the future look brighter.
Think of yourself in a hole.  You would instantly start clawing and digging trying to get out.  But that will only get you in deeper. The first thing you must do is stop digging. In that instant, you've made a positive change.  Now that you've stopped, you can figure out a plan to get out of the hole.
When you stat to do something you gain momentum.  However, momentum can work either for you or against you.  The determining factor is what direction you’re going. Momentum doesn't care where you are, just on which way you’re headed. I challenge you to choose positive momentum, regardless of what has happened in the past. All it takes is a change in direction. All it takes is to stop digging, and start climbing out. Nobody but you got yourself here, and nobody but you can get yourself wherever you want to go.  Put your mistakes behind you and focus on where you are going.
So today, right now, in this moment, direct your momentum toward where you want to be, and don’t stop until you’re there.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Focus through Distractions...

Distractions are a part of our daily lives.  We should not look at them as necessarily a bad thing.  I challenge you to see your distractions as an excellent test of your commitment. Do you allow distractions too distract you? to get you off course? If so, then you’re probably looking for an excuse to become sidetracked.
Distractions will become what you choose to make of them.  So do you ignore them completely, and risk losing touch with the outside world or do you let them consume and overwhelm you, destroying your focus?  The choice is yours.  What role will you give them in your life?
When distractions come along, and they will, here is my challenge for you.  Strive to observe them, adjust for them, and move past them. Remember to keep in mind where you’re headed. Remember why you chose to go there. Remember the goal.  If the distractions continue to seem overly enticing, maybe you need a more compelling goal.
I challenge you to choose to not let the distractions consume you. Instead, allow them to point you toward what you really desire. If you’re authentically committed, distractions will have no power to distract you.  
So let the distractions come, and they will.  Just be ready to use them to move you forward not backwards.  See them as positive not negative.  See them as they are, just an opportunity to realize how committed and focused you are toward your goals.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Just Relax...

The society in which we live has us all anxious for everything, but is it necessary?  You cannot extend a deadline by worrying and fretting over it. You cannot make a difficult decision by agonizing over it. You cannot get anything productive accomplished with anxiety.  So no, it is not necessary and let's work to remove it as an option.
I challenge you to calm down and relax. You have a job to do and you might as well be your best while doing it.  Don't waste your efforts being undertaken with stress and apprehension.
Decide today to stop fighting against your circumstances. Stop worrying about the unfairness of it all. Success and fulfillment are not beholden to circumstance or luck.  The difference is made by your attitude and your actions. The choice is yours.
You can always find plenty of excuses to be stressed out, but you will never have a good reason to be. Stress and anxiety only hold you back.  The more you hold on to them, the further back you get held.
So today I challenge you to relax. I want you to take a deep breath. Decide today to be calm, be happy and let yourself move forward with confidence. You will find that your efforts will flow freely and effectively when you stop attempting to force them.  Just relax.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Best Feeling..

Nothing feels as good as the feeling of giving love.  It is a warm and beautiful feeling that you never want to end.  Love is the greatest gift you can ever give.  I challenge you to open your heart, let go of the insecurities of your ego, and give love. Not just to your family and friends, but to your so called enemies and haters.  

There is power in love to change perspectives, change opinions, change attitudes, and change lives. There is no logical reason sometimes why we love what we love.  Just know that often when everything else has faded, love is all you have left.  Often love is all you need.  

Give love, and make the impossible possible. Give love, and light the darkness with hope and positive possibility. Give love, and give from your authentic essence. If you stop and feel love, you will feel the ever-present purpose that drives every other purpose. 

So today I challenge you to give love freely.  Don’t worry about keeping score.  For whenever you love, and give real love, you will always end up with more. There is nothing that feels as good as love.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Choose Love...

This is the month of love.  So choose to practice love in your life daily.  Love is difficult to define yet easy to recognize. The more love you give away, the more love you will have. The less you demand of love, the more it will bring into your life. Love will suit you perfect, and be more meaningful the less conditions you place on it.
Love will make a powerful, positive difference whenever it is present in your life.  Love can work magic in every corner of your life, if you let it in. Give love to another and you create a connection that empowers you both. Choose to love the world around you and it will become more beautiful to you.
You should love what you do.  By doing so, you become considerably more effective. When you choose to add love to knowledge and you’ll have wisdom beyond measure. When you choose to love life itself, you’ll always find ways to give real meaning to every moment.  Choose love every chance you get.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your Imagination is Real...

Just how real is your imagination.  Whatever it is that is possible to imagine, is possible to be. There is a fine line between imagination and reality. Your imagination has great power to direct and influence those things you create in your life. There is power in the way you think, the way you dream, the way you imagine, and in the way you choose to pursue them. So why do some of the good and desirable things you imagine never happen? The reason is that your imagination is not always positive.  Along with the positive things you imagine, you include fear and doubt in nearly equal proportion. Your imagination is indeed powerful, but is that power working against you? Your dreams, minus your doubts, equal your reality. So do you keep your reality positive each day.  The choice is yours.  You can either make your doubts smaller or make your dreams bigger. Each day, your imagination leads the way. What is it doing today?  Is it pushing you back with doubt and fear as much as, or even more than it is pulling you forward? I challenge you to choose to imagine the good and valuable things with such great passion and purpose that they far outweigh any doubts or fears you may have. If you do this on purpose each day, you’ll soon find yourself living the reality of your most treasured dreams, beyond your imagination.  Now I ask you again, how real is your imagination?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Frustration is Good

How often do you become frustrated because something does not go your way?  Do you allow frustration to make you bitter, or deter you from your dreams?  In every frustration there is a lesson to be learned. Once you learn the lesson, the frustration will disappear.
Frustration happens when you know for sure that the situation could have been better if certain things had been done differently. So the next time you find yourself getting frustrated, take a step back, and look objectively at what it can show you.
Who says your frustration must make you miserable or irrational?  Choose to use that frustration to teach and inspire you.
Don't become discouraged with the overwhelming or overpowering feeling.  It just makes for a more real, positive value to be found within your frustration. If you think about it, frustration is a form of passion.  The more intense the frustration, the more it means you care. 
I challenge you to listen carefully to what your frustration has to say to you. Then choose to move powerfully, passionately beyond it.