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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life is a Choice...

Life is a choice.  Everything you are, everything you have, and everything you do is all the result of choices you have made. Think about it.  Where you are right now is a direct result of a conscious choice you made, be it a minute ago, an hour ago, a day ago, a week ago, a month ago or a year ago.  It was a choice.  Now you may not be happy with your life right now.  I want to encourage you to not waste your time, effort and energy blaming someone or something for your situation. We all face obstacles.  Our success in life is based primarily on whether we chose to see obstacles as excuses or to see them as challenges.  Remember life is a choice.  The direction in which our life goes depends on the choices we make along the way.  
You can choose to sit around all night watching TV, or you can choose to spend your evening enriching your mind or learning a new skill. You can choose to damage your body with drugs and alcohol, or you can choose to exercise and eat healthy. You can choose to stand quietly in the corner at the party, or to use it as an opportunity to network and meet interesting people.
You must realize that the important choices aren’t the big ones. The biggest difference comes from compiling all the little decisions in our life.  We may agonize for weeks or months over what school to attend, what career to pursue or what job offer to accept. These are considered big, important choices. But our life is determined more by the “little” choices that we make every day: Should I make that phone call? Should I volunteer? Should I introduce myself? Should I have another piece of pie? Should I roll over and sleep for another 20 minutes? Should I watch that episode of Housewives, again?  It's these little choices that impact the bigger choices we will encounter in life.  So choose wisely.  
It is choices, not chances, that determine our destiny.  

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