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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Friday, July 26, 2013


In life, our best teacher is often the consequences rom our life lessons. These lessons make an impact by touching us profoundly and staying with us for life.
Just think of all of the abstract concepts we encounter on a daily basis that are quickly forgotten.  However, the consequences we experience daily are unforgettable.  They become embedded in us.  
It is through these consequences that we learn what works for us and what doesn’t. It is through these consequences that we learn what’s important to us and why.  These consequences can bring either joy or pain, but they are memorable to us just the same. We not only remember the consequences, but the specific thoughts and actions that brought us to them as well.
You do know that you have the magnificent ability to make things happen, that it is up to you to create your own consequences. Take the time to study and learn from the experience of your consequences.  The more you learn the more you will be able to create the precise outcomes you desire.
Remember that everything you do has a consequence, and every consequence has a lesson. So what will you learn today?

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