Changes, no matter how small, can make a big difference when applied over time. When you make a small
positive change, and decide to stay with it, you will find that time works in your favor.
Changes, no matter how small, are easy to implement, and just as easy to abandon. So
when you make a change, you must also make a commitment. The size of the commitment should not equal the size of the change that you desire.
Most of the progress you make in life is not made in big, highly consequential leaps.
Achievement most often comes from taking one small positive step, then
another and another.
There is some small change you can make today that can make your life
significantly better a day, a week, a month or a year from now. I challenge you to make it, and most importantly,
stick with it.
Stick with it by constantly reminding yourself why. Stick with it by staying focused on your purpose.
You have the ability right now to make a change, no matter how small that will
eventually lift your whole world. So choose to make a positive change, stick with it
and stay focused, reaping more and more benefits as life unfolds.