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All things angelic can be found under the halo... I thrive on being a source of inspiration and motivation pouring joy and happiness into you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What You See....

The way you see yourself is up to you. It doesn’t have anything to do with the circumstances you happen to be facing. The more time you spend feeling sorry for yourself, the more things you’ll have to be sorry about. If you insist on seeing yourself as a victim, you’ll end up experiencing your life as a victim.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Choose right now, and every day, to see yourself in a positive, empowering light. Remember that the way you see yourself is up to you. 
I want you to see yourself as the unique, beautiful, creative and effective person you know you are. I want you to see yourself as a bundle of positive, inspiring and meaningful possibilities that are well on their way to being fulfilled.
See that you are able to successfully handle whatever life sends your way. See that you are able to thrive and grow and make positive meaning out of the world in which you live.
See yourself as constantly moving forward through it all, with love and joy and purpose. It is up to you.  What you see, you will be.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What's Stopping You?

I had to stop and ask myself, what is stoping me?  I challenge you to do the same.  If you’re having trouble taking action, it’s probably because, just like myself, you haven’t fully convinced yourself that it must be done. Trust me, once you truly convince yourself, you’ll most certainly make it happen.
Perhaps you think it’s something that is important. Yet there’s a big difference between thinking it’s important and knowing that it must be done.   Don't be hesitant to take action, look within yourself for what is stopping you. 
If you’re not sincerely committed to achieving the results your actions are capable of bringing, stop and look within yourself. You can choose to either find that commitment or to move on to something else.
Your thoughts and actions are powerful. Strive to focus them in a particular direction.
Convincing yourself is indeed a challenge. However, when you truly convince yourself to do it, you have the power to make it so.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Life's Consequences...

If there were no consequences, there would be nothing that leads to desired results. Without consequences, true achievement would be impossible.  Every action we take has consequences. At first, they seem to be burdensome, but actually turn out to be very empowering.  Consequences are what make progress possible. It is in the consequences that we find life’s treasures.
Yes, I repeat, many of life’s consequences are burdensome. However, a life with no consequences at all would carry with it a far greater and unbearable burden.  Remember, without consequences, true achievement would be impossible.
Though some of them are painful, consequences ultimately point us in a positive direction. By experiencing consequences, both the positive and the negative ones, we learn which actions to take.  Though consequences can make life difficult, they also make it rich. For consequences give real meaning and value to the choices that we make.

Angelic Thoughts...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Be the Light....

Do you know that the darker it is around you, the more your light is needed? It just takes one light to make a big difference, when there is darkness all around. When you find yourself among others who are angry, hateful, resentful, discouraged, and cynical, that is when you can make the most difference by staying positively focused. Be the light. The more you are surrounded by negativity, the darkness, the more impact you can have by being positive, and shining through the darkness.
It is not easy.  We often find ourselves reacting to negativity by being negative. That just escalates the despair. Your reaction is a choice.  You can choose not to react or you can choose to follow your own course. Just because those around you are in darkness, does not mean that you too must be in darkness.  Focus on being the light.  The light reveals possibilities. It make obstacles less menacing. It makes the situation clearer and easier to understand.  Strive to be the light.
When those around you are frustrated and impatient, choose to be extra calm and composed. When those around you are angry, choose to be the voice of reason and compassion. When those around you are discouraged, choose to offer hope.  If there is negative energy all around you, choose to see it as an opportunity. Consider how much of a difference you can make with your positive thoughts and actions. Turn on your own light, and those nearby cannot help but see. Remember the darker it is around you, the brighter your light will shine.  Choose to be a difference, and you will make a difference.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Upgrade your Life.....

It’s easy to get stuck where you are because all you have to do is do nothing. But I know that’s not what you really want for your life.  In order for things to be better, they must be different. If you wish to make improvements, you must make changes.
There is no way you can get improved results by continuing to do exactly what you’ve been doing. In order to get different results, you have to do different actions. In order to upgrade your life, choose to upgrade your attitude, your expectations and your actions.  In order to move forward means moving into unfamiliar territory. It can be uncomfortable, however, the potential rewards are truly great.
Choose not to waste your days hiding from or fighting against the necessity of change. Choose to put your energy into finding and manifesting the valuable opportunities in an ever-changing world.
Life is constantly changing. Make the changes work for you, and change your world into an even better place.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Be the Happiness...

Too often we allow the people around us to control our pursuit of happiness.  It actually is a waste of time seeking for something we can never find.  The easiest thing we can do is be our own happiness.  
True happiness does not come from anything outside of us. Realize that happiness is chosen.   Happiness is the way we choose to be. We can express happiness in many wonderful ways that go far beyond our wildest dreams. The consequences of our inner happiness bring beauty and great value to our outer world. 
The origin of happiness itself always comes from within. It is there waiting to be chosen, no matter what other things may be going on. 
Instead of limiting happiness to certain situations, let it come alive in any and every situation. Instead of waiting and hoping for someone or something to bring happiness, I challenge you to bring it on yourself. 
Strive today to be the happiness you wish to experience. Let it flow freely from your feelings, your thoughts and your actions today, and always.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Good for Others...

The best opportunities of your life are opportunities to be of service. When someone is able t benefit from your assistance, your expertise, your time, attention and skills, that’s priceless.
The best way to make a friend, a living, a good impression, or a fortune, is to make a difference. When you’re committed to making a difference, to being of service, you’re on the path to greatness.
Be of genuine service, over and over, and the world takes notice. Strive to make it your goal to add real value to life, and you’ll live a life that’s rich and fulfilling.
Some people will seek to take advantage of you. Let that be their problem, not yours.
Give great value, and you will live great value. Let go of the fantasy that you can cheat life, because all you end up doing is cheating yourself.
When times are good, when times are tough, when there’s joy or when there’s disappointment, whatever the situation may be, choose to be of service. Make life truly good by making it good for others.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Change Your View...

There are countless ways to enrich your life and your world that you’ve never even considered. Step out of your routine, step back from your assumptions, widen your view and see some of those possibilities.
When you are having trouble finding an answer, it’s probably because you’re continuing to look where you’ve already looked. When it seems that the problems have no good solutions, I suggest that you widen your view.
The answers and the opportunities are most certainly out there for you. But in order to discover them you must let go of some assumptions and open yourself to new possibilities.
Daily conditions change, people change, and the whole world can change, in the blink of an eye. If you continue to see things exactly the way you did yesterday, you’re missing a whole lot of new opportunities.
Remember, there are countless ways to enrich your life and your world that you’ve never even considered. I challenge you to make the choice to venture beyond what you’re comfortable with, beyond what you already know and beyond your assumptions. That is where you will find great new treasures waiting for you.